About the BEC

In 1989, California created new environmental regulations referred to as AB-939. Not long after, a handful of businesses created the South Bay Business Environmental Coalition (SBBEC) with the intent of working with their community leaders to meet compliance without overwhelming impact on business operation (You can read more about that here). This coalition between business, community and government has been so successful, it lead us to the creation of the Business Environmental Coalition (BEC), an organization focused on giving businesses a voice in the environmental regulation process.

Focus and Responsibility

The BEC is taking responsibility for defining and approving standards for environmental sustainability in business. We believe having this power solely in the hands of Bureaucrats and Environmental groups with non-business agendas is detrimental to everyone and we represent the voice of business, the voice of reason at that table of discussion!

We encourage and support member businesses in obtaining and sustaining realistic environmental standards. Our focus is on voluntary participation of all businesses and through this voluntary efforts, we have an opportunity to limit over regulation which too often decreases productivity and actually leads to unintended consequences which block opportunities to achieve true sustainability.

The BEC is focused on bridging communication between law makers and member businesses. We proactively reach out to effect change at the community, state and federal level with an eye on true sustainability in business.

BEC has Evolved

Originally established to assist businesses in navigating the ever-evolving environmental regulations, the Business Environmental Consulting (BEC) has significantly broadened its scope. Our team now offers comprehensive support across various facets of business success. We specialize in business consulting, OSHA and Cal/OSHA preparation and training, as well as Resource Recovery (RCRA) and California SB-1383 (SLCP) compliance.

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